New Hampshire has one of the best DES programs in the country. The access to information is endless. DES has published hundreds of Fact Sheets covering everything from invasive weed identification to asbestos removal.
Frequently asked questions such as:
— What is a protected shoreline?
— What activities require a permit?
— Can I use fertilizers on protected shorelines?
— Can I cut trees in the protected shoreline?
— What is cyanobacteria?
— What does a cyanobacteria bloom look like?
Did you know you can obtain a seasonal fire permit on-line thru the state of NH? It is easy and only takes five minutes. All you need is your driver's license and a credit card for a $ 5.50 transaction.
— Class I: 25 feet from a building and 2 feet in size
— Class II: 50 feet from a building and 4 feet in size.
Winchester publishes all property tax cards online and a detailed property map covering the entire town. This information can be accessed as a guest through the Avitar website. The FLIA recommends that property owners review their tax card information annually.
A Fire Works Permit is required to discharge fireworks in Winchester. Applications must be received at least 15 days before the proposed display date. Each permit is good for only one date. Go to the town website to download an application.
Winchester has a town noise ordinance.
— Sunday through Thursday, 10:00 pm - 7:00 am
— Friday and Saturday, 11:00 pm - 7:00 am.
Marine Patrol has enforcement authority on all bodies of water having 10 acres or more, as well as rivers and tidal waters. Marine Patrol Headquarters is located in Gilford, although officers are assigned to work throughout the State.
In an emergency situation, call (603) 293-2037 or (877) 642-9700.